15 May 2013

LOTD: Indian Style!!

Every wedding involves the dress, getting ready and the ceremony... not just for the bride and groom. Those attending also get to go through the process.

Last Sunday, I had the opportunity to attend my first indian wedding, and it started with the dress.

One month before the big day, the bride-to-be took me and my colleagues shopping at Tekka Market for a traditional indian outfit.

It's not everyday I get to wear an indian outfit so we were all very excited. Getting dressed, I made sure I had everything right, from the gold bracelets right down to the matching purple-gold heels! And of course, a new hair colour!

Everyone looked awesome!!

The ceremony was very interesting. The bride had on the most elaborate outfit I've seen, dorned head to toe in gold! For 20 minutes, the wedding couple were on stage doing their prayers, and then we had the opportunity to throw rice at the couple!

It was a lovely night! Hopefully, my pretty indian outfit will have a chance out of the wardrobe again!!

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