15 June 2013

LOTD: Arale-Chan!

Ever since I got this pair of specs, Mr Yap loves referring to me as Dr Slump's Arale. I've never watched this cartoon before  - Mr Yap's "time";p - but after googling her a few times, she really grows on you...

So one day, I decided to get really into the role. Digging through my wardrobe to find my own version of Arale's famous outfit... I transformed into her:

Recently on a shopping trip to Bugis Street, I even spotted the Arale cap! But I didn't buy it... kinda regretted it during this photoshoot ;p But my photoshopped wings also does the job...

Online, there are some serious fans who cosplay identical to Arale, right down to the shoes. There's even this adorable little girl who plays 'Arale' so well!!

I can't compare to them... nevertheless, it was a super fun photoshoot. Even my husband enjoyed shooting the dorky looking me!!

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