31 March 2012

His New Mistress

Over the past week, Mr Yap has been searching for the legendary 36 megapixel Nikon D800, which became available in Singapore last week.

It's either Nikon Singapore has an interesting marketing strategy to launch it with very limited stock, or the stores just don't carry enough stocks to supply the hot demand.

Just 2 hours ago, a kind staff at Funan's Challenger messaged him with news of its availability. Within 2 hours, Mr Yap got dressed, rushed out of the house, bought it and came home with his new mistress.

Mr Yap has several mistresses. Within the photography industry, he has 3 mistresses named D3X, D5100, and now D800. Audiophile side, he has Sonus Faber, Yamaha, Rotel, Bowers & Wilkins.

I welcome my latest competition, who will vie for Mr Yap's attention this week.

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