11 February 2013

CNY LOTD: Cheong Sam Special!

Chinese New Year Day 2 was a traditional one. Cheong Sam, Grandparents, Family Portrait... you know the drill.

But... the LOTD had a modern twist to it. I got bored with dresses, skirts and pants and decided to throw on a gold denim hot pants. Keeping it casual and comfortable, yet a little bit traditional for the gramps with the chinese collar >.<

It's the second time I've worn this top. The first was last year's CNY. At this rate, it's going to take a while to hit ROI. Plus, it's such a pity to keep such a lovely piece hidden at the back of my wardrobe and only to let it see daylight once a year. 

So I've made a CNY resolution! Why should I restrict myself to Cheong Sams on CNYs (or special events like weddings)! This year, I will be adventurous. I promise to wear this on daily basis - you know what I mean! Not everyday, but on regular days too!

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