05 February 2013

Pearls...growing on me!

Mr Yap loves a lot of things in life, especially jewellery. One of his favourite - pearls.

He has been nagging at me to dress up with some elegant pearl jewellery, but I've always thought pearls were a little bit...erm...aunty-ish mature. So when Mr Yap suggested that we should go pearl necklace shopping last weekend, I politely went along. As I've recently undergone a major surgery which left a big smiley scar around my neck, Mr Yap thought a pearl necklace would be a great fashion accessory and also a good concealer!

We found a shop in Orchard to customise the pearl necklace that we like: we chose a sizeable lovely white pearl necklace with a hint of pink - there's always gotta be my favourite pink! At the same time, we also made a simple pair of earrings to make it a set. With the bracelet that Mr Yap got for me from New Zealand, I've got a happy family of pearls sitting on my dressing table!

Pearls do grow on you... I started out as a skeptic, thinking I'm too young for 'real' pearls, but now, I love Mr Yap's latest gift to me. Chinese New Year LOTD, here I come! Photobucket

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